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Send cool, Li Xialan, Mayor of Guangchen Town, condolences to the newly discovered high-temperature frontline employees

Time:2020-08-15 browse:3357

    The weather in August was scorching hot and the temperature continued to rise in the past few days. However, the newly discovered employees still stick to their posts with a high degree of responsibility, fight high temperatures, fight the heat, and maintain high yields, responding to the strong market demand with full spirit. At noon on August 12th, Li Xialan, the mayor of Guangchen Town, came to New Discovery to carry out a high temperature condolences activity. He visited the staff and cadres who were standing at the front line under the high temperature and sent them towels, shampoo, wind oil, shower gel and other condolences. 

    After inquiring in detail about the front-line production and the measures for employees to avoid high temperature, the employees must pay more attention to their health, do a good job of personal heatstroke prevention and cooling, and arrange their work and rest time reasonably to ensure their health and prevent high temperature and heat stroke. The company provides employees with favorable conditions for heatstroke prevention and cooling to the greatest extent, and at the same time, further implements safety production management measures to eliminate high temperature safety hazards and ensure orderly operation of production operations.

A sincere greeting, a heart-warming handshake, and a caring word made the struggling front-line employees feel caring in the hot summer, and brought the "coolness" of summer. Employees are also encouraged, full of energy, and devoted themselves to their jobs.

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